Surface Tension

Have you ever walked on Ocean Floors?

An ocean floor gives you treasures and truths, the water around so cool and alien
The floor moves as you walk, the company of unfamiliar territory at your feet.

"Ocean floors aren't meant to be walked on", I think
Kicking off into a panicked upward escape, I breathe and I breathe as I would on land
and just like that, I fall back into walking over ocean sand.

I have no gills, I have no fins. I walk where I cannot, and I lose warmth in every bubble rising.
I remember to breathe, and I swallow water into saturated lungs, only to trudge the ocean floor again. 

The ocean floor brings me closer and closer, as I become a creature of this dark coldness. 
A creature not equipped for the depths she calls home, 
I become unwanted, even to myself. 

But every now and then, a wave so strong gushes into me, jostling the still water in my belly.
I'm reminded by the currents of my ocean that I'm meant to swim, not sink.

I remember to kick once again, to move my arms as if they wanted something of a life
I remember to close my mouth and move 
I remember to be flesh and bones with a weight of their own.

Closer now, to light and land, I cry as I leave my ocean floor behind
Closer and closer with each flailing cry at life, I think I might live without the waves.

The line between air and home becomes disturbed as I move
I'm almost there, almost there,
a l m o s t  t h e r e...

You'll break the surface tension.

Stop. Stop, stop, stop

I fall back into the arms of the cold ocean waves
sinking, slowly, surely, smiling as I go.
I'm a creature of this ocean, after all, a body soaked in its own shame of breaking the still line of surface tension.

No more walking the unsteady ocean floors, 
no more saturated lungs and warm bubbles of life escaping my mouth,
no more am I any different than I what I have accepted.

I look up one last time, the ripple across the surface that lets the light play across itself
Hoping that one day, I strike the water for what's mine.

A chance to break the Surface Tension.


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