A Soft Shield

You bend to never break

You smile, and you cry 

You are a soft shield around my world.

I take your tea for granted every morning,

and dinner prep is my return favor.

We work together to feed this soft shield.

In a lot of ways, I look at you to keep my heart alive

To somehow believe the superhuman that you are, when forgiveness herself fails

I take your tea for granted still, and each day it tastes just like another comfortable morning.

You and I, we don't see eye to eye

We disagree, all the time.

But when your soft smile lights up your face,

I remember that I fight the world for this.

I remember that I fight myself for this. 

I tried writing to you, I tried writing thinking of you.

But how could I maa?

You are the only one I know, who's so much more than my words could gather.

I believe in your beliefs about the next life somewhere.

And I know that even in 7 lives to come,

Your soft shield remains stronger than rebirth cycles and universal magic.


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