The Weight of The Word

When I write to you, I write knowing the heft of what I'm saying.

I write to you in hopes of smiles in trying times, with offerings of peace in my bite-sized comforts.

When I write to you, I write knowing that this will stay in a screenshot maybe, read later in moments of feeling defeated.

I write to you so that my words don't fail when I can't bring you the solace you need.

When I write to us, I write so that we move together.

I write so that we can move the biggest rocks and the lightest feathers with each other, hands held in resistance against the tyrannical.

When I write to us, I write to rouse the remaining fire we have, to keep making what has been broken.

I write to us because I know it's so unfair sometimes that injustice needs to see the weight of these words of a young broken heart.

I write because I'm hurt for all of us.
I write because the pain sears the nervous system into numbness.
I write because sometimes when I hear people around me, I realize that poison is closer to home than I thought.

I write to struggle against everything that seems to be crashing down on me and my people.

I write because you can't. I write because you don't want to. I write because they need me to. I write because otherwise, I wouldn't have any fight left in me.

I write because the weight of words lifts me up every morning to write more, live more, love even more.

I write to love.


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